Cind AB has developed a product for precise 3-D measurement of stacks on timber trucks. The system is based on stereoscopic technology developed by Sweden´s fighter aircraft manufacturer Saab AB. The Cind system accurately measures volume as the truck passes through the system, thus allowing for instant and precise volume measurement.
”Saab is probably the world leader when it comes to this technology and has launched a number of spin-outs using military technology in commercial products in applications from mapping to industrial measuring technology. We are an example of the latter,” says Cind CTO Anders Nyberg. “We have a license for the technology and will supply the industrial sector, primarily the pulp & paper and sawmilling industries. For global distribution and service, we will partner up with Microtec who is one of the leading suppliers of image-processing systems for the sawmilling industry and also one of the investors in Cind,” says Anders.
“We have now installed and approved Cind´s first system in our railway terminal in Mora, Sweden” says Olle Pettersson CEO of Trätåg AB. “It is a pilot installation that will be used for BillerudKorsnäs´and Stora Enso´s timber and also for certification by various organizations and authorities. Once the pilot installation is approved we will install a second system at another terminal later this year,” says Pettersson. “Our ambition has always been to use the best tools available on the market for our business,” says Olle Pettersson.
“In addition to the pilot system to be supplied to Trätåg AB, we have agreements for three additional systems to some of Sweden´s most prominent forestry industries. In order to further develop our product, we have initiated a Vinnova- funded project together with VMF and Luleå University of Technology with a view to developing new intelligent algorithms to increase automation and efficiency in Cind’s products for measuring timber stacks,” concludes Cind’s CTO Anders Nyberg.
From two people and a used harvester to a full-scale forestry company.
Based between Lake Vänern and Lake Vättern, Carlsson & Persson continues to grow, driven by a dedicated team and a network of trusted contractors.
NEXT UP: Miami!
🔵 We will be exhibiting at the The International Air Cargo Association TIACA Air Cargo Forum 2024 November 11-14, 2024.
If you're attending, make sure to say hi to Marcus Schelin or Stefan Nilsson. 👋 Let's talk air cargo!
You will find us at Booth #1253
Join us on at 5:30PM, Wednesday, November 13th at innovation spotlight stage for our session on "to measure is to know".
Discover insights and strategies to make the most of your cargo capacity. We promise a meaningful session about AI & computer vision in logistics industry, in a time travel from 1980 until today.
[Jönköping & Malmö] – This partnership aims to set the standard for the logistics industry by integrating Cind's advanced data collection capabilities with Cargo-Planner's algorithms to perform load planning within seconds.
Just nu letar vi efter en erfaren och passionerad Chief Sales Officer som är redo att bli en nyckelspelare i vårt internationella expansionsteam.
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🔵 A digital solution that makes all air cargo pallets 100% fit to fly!
From Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup, showcasing our ContourSpect project together with Worldwide Flight Services (WFS)