Automatiserad volymmätning samt datainsamling för timmer & flis.


I dagens sågverks- och massaindustri är flexibilitet avgörande. Med TimSpect kan du säkerställa leveranser dygnet runt, oavsett väder. Systemet mäter volym och diameter, beräknar bruttovolymen, kvalitetskontrollerar och ger dig fullständig statistik på bara några sekunder.



Få full kontroll över dina bulkmaterialleveranser med ChipSpect. Systemet mäter volym "m3s" snabbt och noggrant.


Nyheter inom skog

  • New customer

    CIND and Småland Timber AB have signed an agreement

  • Cind streamlines Stora Enso's timber measurement

    Cind has been trusted to help Stora Enso with the measurement of pulpwood at six of Stora Enso's facilities in Sweden.

  • Cind’s system for timber measurement on trucks is delivered and approved

    Utilizing technology from Saab, we have delivered a pilot plant to Trätåg for automatic measurement of timber stacks on trucks. The system is linked to SDC's national system for remote measurement of timber trucks. This week the plant received type-approval from Virkesmätningskontroll (VMK) and is now ready to be put into operation.

  • 3D dimensioning in forestry - what it is and how it works

    Dynamic 3D measurement technologies have been successfully deployed by numerous companies in the timber and forest industry in order to automate volume and quality controls. By utilising patented image processing technologies, initially developed in the defence industry, significant competitive advantages are achieved.

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